Saturday, June 21, 2014

Solistice in the Sierra

21 June---Got a phone call from Tuolomme Meadows this morning. Kitt and Erin were waiting for the Post Office to open and had some time.
     Their departure from Mammoth Lakes was not at "first light" as they'd initially intended. The shuttle bus that was to take them back to the trailhead at Red's Meadow didn't leave town until 0900. This gave them the chance to stop by the PO once more, where they were able to retrieve a pair of knee stabilizer straps I'd sent the week before. They made it back on the PCT and banged out 14 miles.
     Next day they crested Donahue Pass and spent a long and lovely day in the Ansel Adams Wilderness area---like roaming through pages of a calendar or one of those large coffee-table books published by the Sierra Club. They covered 24 miles and reached Tuolomme Meadows late in the day.
    Plans are to break up the 7 day haul to South Lake Tahoe with a detour to Bridgeport in three days time, at which point they'll be able to mail the bear cans back and lighten their loads somewhat.

     Some snail mail notes are en route which will hopefully allow for a retrospective post on the 200+ miles through the mountains.
                                                   Faithfully submitted by the Fairy BlogMother


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