Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mammoth Lake, CA.

Back in town once again! The last section of trail was a challenge, the passes were tall, the fords were cold, and the food was... repetitive. We did a better job in this section of choosing foods that were rich in calories and fat, but after many days we were still eating the same routine. We are excited to have a smaller section of trail ahead of us, we are less then 40 miles from our next resupply. this means we can carry better food! Thankfully we are rich in supplies thanks to many friends and family that sent care packages to Mammoth. Thank you so much to my Mom and Dad, Randy and Deb, My Aunt Ann, Natalie, and my family for the birthday cards. We are set on food for the next hundred miles or so and can be thankful to have such fine hearts wishing us the best from afar.

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