Monday, May 12, 2014

May 11--News from the PCT by snail mail...

Mom,  enclosed herein (in brief) is a write-up you can add to our blog....

May 2--Mile 266-280      We departed Big Bear Hostel at 0830, cramming 7 hikers into a car bound for the trailhead at CA SR18. We were able to hike a little faster than usual and covered our first 9 miles in 4 hours. We met LOTS of other thru-hikers. Most of them were planning to camp at mile 285. We camped together with Mark(Boomerang) and Rebecca (Lizard) at mile 280.

May 3--Mile 280-301   The trail had a steady grade which made the miles go easily. This was to be our first 20 mile day and the gentle terrain was a huge plus. At Deep Creek (mile 298) we came across millions of day hikers from Los Angeles . Deep Creek is a notorious spot on the PCT: a clothing-optional hot spring. We kept going and camped several miles past the craziness.

May 4--Mile 301-317  We walked with Double Tap today, and spent a good deal of time reflecting on the odd assortment of naturistic flower children we'd seen at Deep Creek the day before. We took a long break at a stream crossing to cool off and wait out the heat of midday. The area sported quite a few dirt-bikes, quads and trucks, driving incessantly around the edges of a seasonal lake. Almost like being at the circus!

May 5-- Mile 317-336   We met up with our good friend Penguin late last night. She had stayed with us back in Big Bear Lake. Her infected blisters had healed enough for her to get back on trail again and she is hiking strong! With Penguin setting the pace, we covered 10 miles by lunch, hiking past Silverwood Lake reservoir. we took another break at the Cleghorn Picnic Area and decided to camp a little short of Cajon Pass at a nice campsite. The afternoon was a cool one, with wind and rain later that night.

May 6--Mile 336-347  Today's mission was to hike to the highway and the Mcdonalds in time for breakfast. The trail descended to Cajon Pass through scrub and amazing dirt-washed cliff faces; switch-backing along the very edge. We were often looking over ledges with brushy 100-150' drops down to the bottom of the canyon. We spent 5 hours at the Cajon junction, consuming 2 coffees, 2 hash browns, 1 1/2 Subway foot-long sandwiches, 20 chicken McNuggets, and a 700 calorie McShake. While feasting, we charged the mp3 player, visited a gas station mini-mart twice for trail food, cast longing looks at a sunny hotel swimming pool, and made a couple of phone calls home. We bought more Subway sandwiches and then saddled up to hike 6 more miles, hoping to put in some distance from the railroad tracks and to take a bite out of tomorrow's climb back into the mountains.

May 7--Mile 347-364.5   a LOOONNNGGG climb today, starting at 3573' and ending at 8279'....and, NO water sources, so we carried it all. We had a strange surprise today: clouds and cool weather. We hiked up in the cold all day--some of the miles with GrapeNut ( because he puts GrapeNuts on everything). We camped in Guffy CG in wind and rain. Had a special visit from the Los Angeles National Forest police and K9 partners, looking for an armed suspect. We did our best to hunker down in the tent and not think about it too much. We were only 5.5 miles from SR 2 and a short hitch to Wrightwood in the morning.

May 8--364.5-369   Wrightwood! and  Chicken-Fried Steak for breakfast! We are taking a nero, shopping for food and opening our resupply box and our care packages. Lizard and Boomerang are here, too--nursing a sore knee. Rotisserie chicken and a bottle of wine for dinner. We are planning a short day tomorrow to put us closer to an ascent of Mt. Baden-Powell, 9399'.

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