Saturday, April 19, 2014

Warner Springs CA--Mile 109.6

Backup and Horizon rolled in to the hiker oasis at Warner Springs last night, catching up with friends FarOut, Coach and FirstClass for the much-promised wine and cheese celebration. A toast to the first "century" and to at least two dozen more!


  1. You've earned your (first of many we hope!) party! Here's to the happy hikers! jane and David

  2. Whoa, not so fast. How'd Kitt get named Horizon? Explanation needed!

  3. It was a sedate party, and all involved were in bed and asleep by 8:30, just before hiker midnight. :)

    Natalie, Kitt got named Horizon thanks to his ability to consume vast quantities of food. The "event horizon" is the point in a black hole where anything that reaches that point is sucked into it, similar to how any food that gets close to Kitt is eaten. Event Horizon was a bit long for a trail name, so we shortened it to Horizon.
