Hello, and welcome to our 2014 PCT journal! I'm Erin, Kitt is the other half, and together we are team KittandErin. This summer, we will be hiking from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail, and hopefully will be recording some of that journey here. For more about us, see the "about us" tab at the top of the page. For more about the PCT, keep reading...
There are fifty two days to go until we leave for the trail. WHAT. It feels like just yesterday that we were starting to think of going on this hike, and now it's starting to feel like crunch time.
Before we go, there are a few things we need to finish at home, but it is feeling increasingly more difficult to do anything non-PCT related. Unfortunately, those non-PCT tasks include things like "school" and "work." With each passing day, any remaining motivation is slowly channeled towards the trail and away from things we would rather leave behind.
This leads us to today's post. Since I should probably be doing homework right now, I am instead avoiding it by updating our blog. This commonly referred to as "productive procrastination," one of the best skills I learned in college.
Anyway, if you know us in real life, we have probably told you a bit about our plans to hike the trail. Or, more, accurately, we have probably given you so much information about it that you feel slightly ill. Apologies. Especially to my brother, who will probably keel over if he has to hear one more time how many ounces a certain piece of gear weighs, or whether or not we should go to Mojave or Tehachapi for resupply (sorry, Jay).
For those of you who have avoided my brother's fate, the PCT runs from Mexico to Canada, through California, Oregon and Washington. It is 2,650 miles long (give or take a few), and goes through an incredible variety of ecosystems and terrain. We will be starting in early April at the southern terminus in Campo, CA and hiking north towards Manning Park, in British Columbia. Hopefully we will finish up by mid September, before it gets too cold in our lovely state of Washington. For more info on the trail, check out the Pacific Crest Trail Association's website.
In the time remaining before we leave, we will be finalizing our gear, figuring out our resupply strategy, and wrapping up any other loose ends. Expect some posts on the first two, especially about what I learned between my last trip on the PCT and this one.
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